hi anyone? of the two cars i have, both v6s (see newbie post 5 11 12) the label on the upper cover to diagnostic socket is missing? I have veiwed on line 'terminal location' diagrams but they either dont show all terminal 'names' or the images are too pixelated to see cleary? I know TEN and GND but not as yet, dared to connect led+ to what i think is B+ and FEN? to see if i have any codes showing (even tho car running fine). both uk cars, both OBD 1? (3 plugs on loom/ecu). high megapixel photo prefered plse and in focus :P
Blimey!!!! over a thousand views and not one reply? :(
Ah well found this and it may help others who have lost both their diagnostic (DLC) socket cap labels! :shock: 
Hello mate, have you sorted issue. I can take a pic of mine if it helps. Sorry no one has come to your aid!. But better late than never !
Yes, cheers, thnx, Garfy1981 :D
When I bought my MX3 and had running issues with it right from the 'OFF' It was handed over to my local rolling road outfit who specialised in MX5's only!
They had it for a week and couldn't pin point the prob and informed me that they had a customer who recommended "Anyone who was considering buying and owning an MX3, that they always bought 'TWO' cars :o One which they liked and one which they didn't mind dismantling" !!!!!! :?I took heed of this and did exactly that, I bought a fully functioning MOT failure (chronic corrosion on a 1998 GS) for £175, I reckon I've had £350 out of it so far, in over 3 years!
It keeps my DD living and I can try things out on it! as I did with the diagnostic socket pins by trial and error and reference to numerous and vague online wiring diagrams.It took me a while to gain the confidence to pull codes and short TEN and GND, but I now pull them on a monthly basis or when I encounter any strange behavior from my MX3 DD.
Havn't had any codes show this last year!
Thanks for the only reply Garfy1981 :respect:
Photos of mine. Sounds like perhaps you have a bad loom or connection issue where the resistance is constantely changing and confusing the ecu.
:cheers: again Garfy1981, could have done with that 2+ years ago! :D
Oh yeah lol !.