AZ3 :( Gutted

  • You reckon its time to scrap her?

  • I would first try to change out the seals and see if it still doing it (but maybe before doing it, ask somebody, to start up the engine while you are at the back and see the color of the smoke, if it is blue/grey it's burning the oil which slowly gotten into the combustion chamber while the engine wasn't running).

    Plus, do you need to refill with oil, or the oil level doesn't change to much? Oh and try to measure the compression of the engine, if it is ok, than the rings are OK.

    The other part is the rust. Did you got it fixed, or at least got a qoute for it, how much would it cost to fix them.

    I wouldn't scrap it right away, first let's see what it cost to repair it. Try to look around on the market, who would fix it for the least and see the rep as well.

    And at the end it is still up to you, what you want to do, but you have to know, if you fix everything on it and one day you want to sell it, there is not much chance to see the money back, that you have spent on fixing it.
    But if you want to keep it till the end and enjoy a nicely fixed car, than fix it, sit in and enjoy eating the road :bigok:

  • Well…if it is the oil seals I will be scrapping as I do not have an endless supply of money :)

  • Oil seals are cheap, just the effort of getting to them!

  • Was quoted around £600..defo cant afford it

  • Ouch. Pity as it's £15 for the actual seals. Labour intensive though. Good time to learn :wink: :wink:

  • lol!!!! A little over my head…I know basics but have to say...this az3 is the most awkward car Ive ever worked on.

  • lol really? Compared to the v6 it's a breeze to work on, so much room for turbos :mrgreen:

  • I changed the oil….what a mare! didnt help tht I only had a trolley jack and 2 stands lol My capri was soooooooo easy

  • Haha yea the oil filter is up the back of it. I'm not a fan of having oil filters on sideways, always makes a mess. I'd say the older the car the easier! Except drum brakes, I hate them.


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