JIMBOfred-Cheeky little black number.

  • Plus i think i should've used 3mm hose instead of 5mm to go round the grill. Might have another go at some point during the summer hols.

  • NO NO NO and NO! Do not get one off ebay! Go to your nearest, VW, Audi, Seat dealership parts department, hand over £22 and they'll hand you a splitter, the ones on ebay are ridiculously over priced!

  • @74bf764a23=RustyMx3:

    NO NO NO and NO! Do not get one off ebay! Go to your nearest, VW, Audi, Seat dealership parts department, hand over £22 and they'll hand you a splitter, the ones on ebay are ridiculously over priced!

    Good to know. There's a seat dealer down the road. Cheers.

  • Looks cool mate good work! 12 x 6 number plate off the tow hook ftw.
    police cameras prefer it on the drivers side facing upright :wink:
    (None of this stick on or 4x4 square plate bizness please :P)

  • finally bit the bullet and went for it. Was pretty scary taking an angle grinder to my bonnet but it worked out well. Still needs a bit neatening up but i'm sure its doing a good job in partnership with the cold air feed from the fog light hole.

    Will get some decent photos soon.

  • Here's a thing Ive wondered would it not be better with the fins the other way so it catches air and drags down when traveling at speeds?

    Noticed a few Bonnets done your way do you know why? Lol

  • Already got a big flu pipe from the fog light pumping cold air in so wanted to vent out to get a good circulation. I originally was going to put it going in but decided out would be better. As for downforce i think it would get ripped out before it could create any decent downforce.

  • pretty much done all i can do with my tight budget for now (have now started planning a wedding for sometime within a year so car funds are pretty much zilch) apart from possibly a bit of neatening up on the front bumper and bonnet and the l.e.d's in the headlights which are in the post.

  • Nice work!!! Likin this more!! the vent looks good…

    But as you said.. front bumper could do with a bit more tidying!!

    Still.. that aside (which should cost very little monies, just some elbow grease) the car look well!!

  • Just got my turbo. Can't wait to get it fitted.

  • @fb5bad083f=JIMBOfred:

    Just got my turbo. Can't wait to get it fitted.

    lol i got one of those too lol

  • @b4fc9290a7=jay:


    Just got my turbo. Can't wait to get it fitted.

    lol i got one of those too lol

    Fan of the old happy meal then?

  • @34edd7150f=JIMBOfred:



    Just got my turbo. Can't wait to get it fitted.

    lol i got one of those too lol

    Fan of the old happy meal then?

    I like them fresh, not a fan of them old, they go a little soggy.

  • lol :lol: :lol: :lol:

  • LED headlights done.

  • Jobs a good 'un looks good.

  • just failed the MOT but was quite pleasantly surprised. Only failed on the o\s rear spring which i pretty much knew was broken as i heard a definate ping about a month ago. Have just ordered a full set of springs from fodprobestore that are 35mm lower.

  • As mentioned in the led headlights section the led's have melted them on one side. Have a plan to sort it out but i'm also planning on neatening the whole thing up at half term with a bit of sanding, touching up paintwork, changing the red tubing around the grill and might try a t cut. Have now got the -35mm lowering springs from ford probe store on. looks a tad lower and have had a couple off belly scrapes since. Will get some photos up in a few weeks when i've sorted things out.

  • Been building up to this one for a bit. Would just get some smokerd lexus lights and do dj's twin rear conversion but as i've zilch funds i did it this way instead.


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